Importance of Online Branding

Nikhil Kumar
4 min readMay 21, 2021

Indian Retail sector is one of the major retail sectors in the world. Also it contributes almost 10% in Indian GDP. This shows how big this Retail sector is. This sector is also giving employment to many people. However, After this covid pandemic this sector is facing many challenges. Let’s know how to overcome those challenges and also how we help you in your success.
  1. Attracting Customers:
    Attracting customers to stores like before is one of the major challenges that is in front of many companies. After this pandemic people are frightened to step out from their homes. So it is important to attract them to increase sales. Providing them with exciting offers on products may
    attract them. However, Online business is one of the best alternatives to increase sales. Online businesses are growing day by day. They are the safest platforms that customers feel secured.
    So Start selling your products online to increase your sales.
  2. Retaining Customers
    Attracting customers is important and retaining them is also the major concern before us. Many people are just one-time customers for industries. So it is also important to retain customers. This can be done only by loyalty towards customers. Also improve your product quality to trust your service.
  3. Update with Customers Review:
    It is equally important for a company to update themselves with customers’ expectations. As a growing company you should deliver what customers expect from you. It will also build a kind of trust towards your company. So take feedback from your customers to know what they are expecting from you.
  4. Encourage Contact less Payments:
    As many people are using digital payments nowadays. Encourage digital payments and introduce contact less payments in your business. It is one of the safest methods that comforts your customers. Also it helps your customers when there is a shortage of liquid cash
  5. Produce Enough Products:
    No matter how much you produce If there is a shortage in your products people will look for alternatives. So keep your products in stock. Make sure that your products reach enough customers for their needs. These are some Problems that retail industries face currently, So we Lealmart provide solutions for all your problems. Keep scrolling, if you want to know more about us.

About Lealmart
Lealmart is an online platform that connects Buyers and Sellers, We provide our services all over India. We promise you the best service throughout your journey with us. We increase your brand visibility which is a key for increasing your sales.

Services We Provide:
1. Business Listing: We provide a platform for any type of business owners to sell their product. Anyone can list their business to get more traffic and sales to their products.

2. Products Listing: Any wholesalers or dealers can list their products to attract their nearby customers.

3. Shop Listing: Lealmart provides the facility to list the shops of retailers on this platform to attract their nearby customers. 4. Services Display: We provide a platform for Business owners to display all types of services they provide

5. Offers Display: We make your offers to reach a vast number of people. Offers are a key part of product sales. We make your offers successfully reach your customers.

6. Email Marketing: Email marketing is provided to attract more customers via email.

7. Cash Receipt: Customers can generate their cash receipt easily using Our platform. There will be no more use of any other software.

8. Analytics: With the help of our analytical tools any seller or service providers can analyze how much traffic generated on their products or services to increase or decrease the availability of the products as per the demand.

9. SEO : Better SEO helps your Business to increase the rank on the search engines for the better traffic and more customers visibility.

10. Buyers Enquiry Alerts: All the enquiry of the buyers will be directly sent to the dashboard of retailers from where they can easily get the contact details of the buyers to make a deal.

11. Page Maintenance: Lealmart provides the facility of page maintenance to update product, Services or offers of the sellers or service providers for the convenience.

12. Customer Support: Lealmart provides full customer care support 24*7 to solve all your queries.

